The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Cover of "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas
Recommended Age: 14 & up

Citation: Thomas, A. (2017). The hate u give. Balzer + Bray.


Content Warning: Police brutality, racism, violence.

Being a teenager is typically complicated, but when your life is further complicated by issues of race and police brutality, it can be hard to cope. After attending a high school party, Starr Carter is driven home by Khalil, a childhood best friend. Before they can make it home safely, a police officer pulls them over. Despite cooperating with the officer, Khalil is eventually shot and killed by him after believing Khalil had a “gun” on him, all while Starr watches this unfold. Devastated by the loss of a friend, Starr must grieve her loss in the public eye as Khalil’s story of racisms and police brutality catches the attention of the public. 

The Hate U Give is a candid and complex story of racism in America. This story came at a time where it was desperately needed and gives a voice to a topic that was (and still is) ignored. The writing is not the best, but the importance of the story it represents outweighs my qualms with its writing.

Read our other reviews of The Hate U Give here and here.