Looking for Alaska by John Green

Cover of "Looking for Alaska" by John Green
Recommended Age: 16 & up

Citation: Green, J. (2006). Looking for Alaska. Penguin Books. 

Content Warnings: death, car accident, suicide, alcohol, sexual content.

Miles “Pudge” Halter believes that his life has been extremely uneventful. However, his fascination for famous last words leads him to Culver Creek Boarding School where he intends to seek out a “Great Perhaps”. That Great Perhaps is named Alaska. Pudge is entranced by Alaska’s free spirit and cares too much to let that spirit be lost. 

This coming-of-age story has strong themes of grief, resilience, and care that is portrayed by the main characters. Similar to many other books by John Green, the strong emotions and suggestive style of writing leaves much to the readers interpretation. Additionally, the mature themes make it more advisable for older teens and young adults to read.  

Ultimately, although the book is heartbreaking, it is done in a way that celebrates friendship, hope, and life itself.  

Check out our other review of Looking for Alaska here.