Vigilante Shit by Taylor Swift

Cover of "Midnights" by Taylor Swift
Recommended Age: all ages

Citation: Swift, T. (2022). "Vigilante shit" [Recorded by T. Swift]. On Midnights [Album]. Republic Records. 


For fans of Taylor Swift and electro/synth pop music, “Vigilante Shit” is the perfect song. “Vigilante Shit” describes the temptation and need for revenge against those who seem to escape justice. From giving “proof” to an ex-wife to reporting “crimes to the FBI,” Taylor sings about the enthralling satisfaction of vigilante justice and vengeance. If this song fits your style, consider further checking out the Midnights album as the rest of the songs pair well with the song’s ambience.

I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, but she is a bit of a cultural phenomenon whose resonated with many people. I think this song also resonates with the current world “climate” and trends in popular music.

Check out our reviews of the full album, Midnights, here and here.