We have labelled various posts to better group them by format, genre, and representation.
Formats help narrow down the type of item being reviewed (audiobook, movie, website, picture book, etc.). Tags like "fiction" may include mediums other than novels. The specification of a particular medium does not mean the review will apply only in that medium. For example, the review of an audiobook adaptation of Redwall, may or may not include an opinion about the audiobook edition. |
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Representation tags may apply to the protagonist(s), the author(s), or both, depending on the text. Some representation tags may be missing as they were included at the contributor and editor's discretion. For example, Where the Wild Things Are does not have explicit Jewish or LGBTQ+ representation, but Maurice Sendak is a gay Jewish author, and that has shaped his writings. |
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Where to find labels
All labels are listed on the right sidebar of the homepage. When labels are attached to a post, they can be found at the bottom/ end of each review.If you're looking for a topic that's not labelled...
We invite you to use the search bar. DISpatch's search function reads the text of each post, so searching keywords, phrases, or themes might pull up the item you're looking for.
We also link readalikes, sequels, and adaptations that are mentioned in the reviews, so you might find luck by searching similar titles.